Our Newsletters
2nd Quarter, 2020
Our Slightly Delayed Newsletter
We are definitely living in unprecedented times, and our most earnest wishes are that you, your family and friends are all staying healthy, both physically and emotionally. Here is a five point diagnostic for managing family wealth during our new, not so normal situation.
4th Quarter, 2019
The More Things Change…
The more things change… As many of you reading this already know, we have some big news to announce…
2nd Quarter, 2019
Spring Cleaning: Tips For Your Financial Files
There’s no better time than Spring to make sure your financial life is in good shape!
1rst Quarter, 2019
Ten Years After:
Ten years into the longest bull market in history, why aren’t we more ecstatic?
4th Quarter, 2018
Keeping Your Course Steady
There seems to be no shortage of troubling news confronting investors these days. But what, if anything, should you do about it?
2nd Quarter, 2018
The Market Outlook Is…
Where are stocks heading? Is the sky the limit?
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1st Quarter, 2018
Happy Birthday, Bull Market!
The current bull market in U.S. stocks turns nine years old this month, dating back to the depths of the Financial Crisis in March of 2009. This basically-uninterrupted rally is now the second longest and second strongest (more than 300% gain) on record, trailing only the technology-inspired run-up of the 1990s. Yet in spite of this enormous success, all anyone wants to know is, “when is it going to end?”
4th Quarter, 2017
Planning to Thrive in 2018
It’s the time of year when we start thinking forward. What do we hope 2018 will bring, and what goals will we set for ourselves this year?
3rd Quarter, 2017
Celebrating a Milestone Anniversary
This July, our Chief Financial Planning Officer, Florence Dupont, celebrated her 20th anniversary at Financial Decisions.
2nd Quarter, 2017
Doing Well …
Lately, we have seen a lot of interest in, and confusion over, the concept of responsible investing. Simply put, is it possible to find investments that can make a reasonable rate of return and also keep your conscience clear? Or, in other words, is it possible to do well, while still doing good?
1st Quarter, 2017
‘If You Can Keep It’
Wither democracy? At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what type of government the Founding Fathers had created. He famously replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” His message: the Constitution was a blueprint for our country, but it would need to be conscientiously maintained and continuously defended.
4th Quarter, 2016
Make Time for Kindness this Season
2016 has certainly been a memorable year, though many of us may be keen to forget it. Between a highly contentious presidential election, the Zika virus, and the Brexit, we’ve all been through a lot. But, now is an excellent time to refocus on the positive! Here are some tips to end your year on a happy note:
3rd Quarter, 2016
Happy Birthday To …
Us! That’s right. On October 1, we at Financial Decisions will celebrate our 25th birthday. We feel fortunate to have spent the last quarter-century helping our clients not just to survive, but to thrive in today’s increasingly complex financial world.
2nd Quarter, 2016
How to Outsmart 10 Common Scams
Scams of all varieties continue to bilk unsuspecting victims out of billions of dollars each year. Older Americans, in particular, are being targeted, especially those who have been recently widowed.
1st Quarter, 2016
Hot Off The Presses!
When is the last time you enjoyed a really good read… on cybersecurity? We are pleased to announce the publications of our newest paper, entitled Client Home Systems Best Practices 2016- InfoSec Protocols. Catchy, right?
4th Quarter, 2015
Big News for FD Partner Ken Gutwillig
This autumn was an exciting time indeed for Kenneth Gutwillig, our Chief Investment Officer. In
September, Ken was invited to join the prestigious Bretton Woods Committee.
3rd Quarter, 2015
Financial Planning: It’s Not Just About The Numbers.
It’s easy to assume that financial planning is all about numbers. Of course, certain numbers underlie every financial plan: cash flow, the value of retirement assets, anticipated college expenses for children, the purchase price of the ideal vacation home, the cost of a parent’s caregiver – every client has unique goals, burdens, and challenges. It’s a numbers game.
2nd Quarter, 2015
It’s About Greece. And Pluto.
As we go to press, an agreement has been reached between Greece and the other Eurozone countries, enabling Greece to borrow yet another $100 billion and staving off bankruptcy for a few more weeks.
1st Quarter, 2015
Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Make Sure to Budget Too!
As many of our clients or their children contemplate marriage, we have noticed an alarming trend: too many couples overlook the importance of discussing financial issues before they wed.
4th Quarter, 2014
A Low-Tech Holiday
Looking for sure-fire ways to beat the holiday blues? Try taking a step back in time. Shut down your cell phone, laptop, and “smart watch.” Ignore your emails, texts, Facebook, Twitter, and enjoy some of these old-time holiday favorites…
3rd Quarter, 2014
Protecting Yourself From Power-Of-Attorney Abuse
The legal document known as a power of attorney can enable as trusted family member, friend, or advisor to make decisions on your behalf, and that can safeguard your interests if you are incapacitated and want to delegate particular responsibilities. But in the wrong hands, or with inadequate guidance, a power of attorney may be ripe for abuse.
2nd Quarter, 2014
Of Course It’s Rigged…
Michael Lewis’ latest novel, Flash Boys, has reignited the discussion around high frequency trading. From office water coolers to Senate hearings, everyone wants to know if the market is efficient, transparent, and, most importantly, safe.
1st Quarter, 2014
Planning for Life’s Changes
Just like preventative medicine, a well-designed financial plan works best when it has been created before any crisis occurs. Unfortunately, not everyone has a plan in place prior to life’s unexpected turns.
4th Quarter, 2013
Being An Informed Donor: The Realities Of Charity
It’s more important than ever to make sure your charitable dollars are having maximum impact. You need to know about the organizations you support-how they’re using your money, how efficiently they’re run, and whether they’re living up to their missions. These are the new realities of charitable giving.
3rd Quarter, 2013
Remarrying Later In Life? 7 Key Financial Issues
Special First Anniversary Newsletter Insert! Jason Zweig’s Wall Street Journal article The Intelligent Investor: Saving Investors from Themselves (6/28/2013) can be found here: http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2013/06/28/the-intelligent-investor-saving-investors-from-themselves/
2nd Quarter, 2013
Investors Flee Stocks At Precisely The Wrong Time
The percentage of American households owning stock mutual funds dropped by 46.4% in 2011. In fact, it has fallen every year since 2008, according to Investment Company Institute…
1st Quarter, 2013
7 Major Tax Changes In The Fiscal Cliff Law
From the edge of the “fiscal cliff,” Congress took a step back and approved the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA), a hodgepodge of tax extensions and modifications. But the agreement postponed decisions on spending cuts and failed to continue a 2% “payroll tax holiday” for employees. Moreover, upper-income…
4th Quarter, 2012
The Barely-Believed Bull Market
The age old adage tells us stocks historically climb a wall of worry, and, with the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index racking up a 16% total return in the first 9.5 months of the year, the cliche would seem to apply. To be sure, there is no shortage of bad news. We’ve experienced the slowest…
3rd Quarter, 2012
Best Of Times Often Have Followed Worst Of Times
These have been tough times for strategic long term investors. While it may seem logical to stay the course through the market’s inevitable ups and downs—taking advantage of stocks’ tendency to deliver strong returns over very long periods—that logic was little comfort during the bear…